Collaborative Projects
Collaborative Projects Make Better Communities
If you’re an individual, group, or business with a good idea for a community-driven initiative, Bowen Island Municipality wants to hear from you.
We want to help enable small-scale or early-stage collaborative projects and provide guidance on how to get your idea off to a strong start.
What’s a collaborative project?
It’s infrastructure or an initiative intended for public use or participation for community enjoyment and/or service enhancements.
What are some examples?
- The Bowen Bike Park behind the Bowen Island Community School
- The expansion at Bowen Children’s Centre
- The Heritage Loop Trail in Snug Cove
- The Disc Golf course at Veterans Park
- The Westside Playscape at Arubutus Ridge
What are the key project criteria?
- Consistent with the Official Community Plan and related Municipal Master Plans
- Meets community needs and has demonstrated community support
- Describes the roles and responsibilities of all parties (including the Municipality)
- Identifies benefits, costs, and risks, both short and long term
What are my next steps?
- Read the Collaborative Projects Policy.
- Complete the Collaborative Project Pre-application.
- Work with municipal staff to refine your idea and develop a proposal.
- Consider talking with individual council member(s) to introduce your idea.
- Present your project proposal in a delegation.
What is a delegation?
It’s your opportunity to meet in person with Municipal Council. Presenters often prepare a simple, informative slideshow or handout. Read more about appearing before Council.
Gillian Drake, Manager of Recreation and Community Services
604-947-4255 ext 248
Last Updated on 2021-01-12 at 8:50 AM