Category 2 Burning Permit

How to apply for a Category 2 (Minor Clean-up) Burning Permit online

NEW! Category 2 permits are now free. 

Step 1: Complete the form below to apply for your Category 2 Burning Permit. Please note you will not receive email confirmation that this form has been submitted.

Step 2: Once the form has been received, we will send approval of your permit by e-mail. Approval may take up to 2 business days.

If you have any questions about burn permits please call the Bowen Island Fire Rescue non-emergency line at (604) 947-9324.

By submitting this form, you acknowledge that you have read and understand the conditions of a Category 2 Burning Permit as follows:

Burning is permitted from October 15 to April 15

Only burn when Metro Vancouver's "Open Burning Advisory" indicates that burning is allowed. You must call 604-436-6777 to determine if open burning is allowed on each day that you plan to burn. This information is available daily after 8:30 am.

You also require a Metro Vancouver Permit. You can find information about applying for your Metro Vancouver Open Burning Approval on the Metro Vancouver website.

The permittee shall be responsible for fires authorized by the permit.

  • Piles must be no larger than 2m high x 3m wide.
  • Piles can be stacked by hand.
  • Burning is only permitted on private property. No fires are to be located on Municipal property, public roads or road allowances.
  • No material other than wood, paper or cardboard shall be used to start, assist or enhance the burning. The following material is PROHIBITED: tires, paint, manure, clothing, plastics, special waste, rubber, battery boxes, drywall, tar paper, asphalt, leather, demolition waste, treated lumber, fuel containers, domestic waste, railway ties, biomedical waste, and lubricant containers. 
  • The materials to be burned shall have originated on the property for which the permit is issued. 
  • Every effort should be made to have a hot fire, with emphasis on reducing the output of smoke as much as possible. 

The permittee shall take the following precautions to prevent escape of fires authorized by the permit:

  • The fire must be attended and safeguarded at all times while burning by at least one adult person.
  • Any additional special conditions will be indicated in your permit.

The permittee shall extinguish all fires completely on or before the expiry date of the permit; or shall extinguish them forthwith upon suspension or cancellation of the permit; or when instructed to do so by Bowen Island Fire Rescue.

Burn Permit Application

Complete the information below and submit. You will not receive an automatic receipt when the form is submitted. Within 2 business days you will receive confirmation of your burning permit via email. 

When you click "Submit", the page will reload and you will see the top of the page. Scroll down to see confirmation of your submission.

Last Updated on 2022-04-01 at 10:39 AM