Council Meetings
As of April 11, 2022, Council will be returning to in-person meetings. All open Council meetings will be held in Council Chambers at Municipal Hall, 981 Artisan Lane, and broadcasted live via Zoom for electronic participation.
Thank you for your patience and understanding as we get used to using new technology that allows for a hybrid meeting format.
There are three options to watch or participate at a Council meeting:
- Watch the livestream on our YouTube Channel
- Join the Zoom meeting (instructions are on the agenda)
- At Municipal Hall, 981 Artisan Lane
Public Comments
How to sign up for Public Comments
To participate electronically in the zoom meeting,
- E-mail the Corporate Officer BEFORE 6:00 PM at In your email, please include the following:
- Subject line “Public Comment”
- Name (first and last), telephone number and topic or agenda item.
- Get the Zoom meeting login information from the Council meeting agenda, and join the Zoom meeting.
- Wait for your name to be called during the public comment section.
To participate at the meeting in-person,
- Register your name on the speakers list, located in Council Chambers
- Wait for your name to be called during the public comment section.
We ask that speakers respect the time limit allotted by the Mayor and, if joining electronically, once finished to please mute your microphone and turn off your camera.
Written submissions accompanying public comment can be submitted to the Corporate Officer for inclusion in the formal record of the meeting.
Public Viewing Etiquette on Zoom
If you are joining the Zoom meeting but do not intend to speak during Public Comment or the Question Period (viewing only), we request that you view the meeting live from our YouTube Channel.
- Silent viewing only, please do not interrupt Council discussion.
- Limit background distractions or keep video turned off
- If interruption is repeated, the participant will be removed from the meeting
Wearing a mask is a personal choice and you are welcome to do so at Municipal Hall. Masks are encouraged, but not required by public health.
Deadlines for Submissions to Council on a Meeting Agenda
Members of the public are encouraged to write directly to Mayor and Council via email at .
For your written submission to be included in the agenda package, the following deadlines apply:
To be included in the published agenda
The Council Agenda is published by 4:30 PM seven (7) calendar days prior to the meeting.
Written submissions from the public for inclusion in the published agenda must be submitted via the Mayor and Council email or directly to the Corporate Officer by 1:00 PM seven (7) calendar days prior to the meeting.
To be included in the revised published agenda
The Council Agenda is revised and re-published to include “Late Items” three (3) calendar days prior to the meeting.
Late Items are limited to an update or correspondence in relation to an item already included on the meeting agenda or an item added due to a time restriction. For example, written submissions from the public in relation to an agenda item due for consideration at that meeting (TUP, DVP, etc.) are considered Late Items.
Written submissions from the public for inclusion in the revised published agenda must be submitted via the Mayor and Council email or directly to the Corporate Officer by 1:00 PM three (3) calendar days prior to the meeting.
On-Table Items
On-Table Items are submissions received after the above noted deadlines that relate to an item contained in the meeting agenda.
Written submissions to be included in the On-Table package will be received up until 4:00 PM on the meeting day and circulated to Mayor and Council in advance of the meeting. On-Table submissions may also be received during the Public Comment section of the meeting agenda.
On-Table Items are included in a further revised agenda after the meeting, and recorded in the meeting minutes.
Regular Council Meetings
Regular Council meetings are scheduled at 6:15 PM on the second and fourth Monday of each month, unless a statutory holiday falls on that Monday, in which case the meeting is held on the Tuesday following. The Council Agenda is published by 4:30 PM seven (7) calendar days prior to the meeting. The Council Procedure Bylaw regulates procedures to be followed for the conduct of business at meetings of the Council
2022 Regular Council Meeting Schedule (PDF)
All video recordings of Council and Committee meetings are on the BIM YouTube Channel
View older Council meeting agendas
View older Council meeting minutes
Special Council Meetings
Special Council meetings are held as needed to address emerging issues. The Municipality provides at least 24 hours notice of meeting dates and start times on the website, the bulletin board in the Municipal Office. Notices also describe in general terms the purpose of meetings. Speakers are generally not heard at Special Council meetings.
Committee of the Whole Meetings
Committee of the Whole meetings are meetings of Council that provide Council members the opportunity for more in-depth and less formal discussion on specific topics. They are scheduled on an as-needed basis. Council may move from a Regular Council meeting into a Committee of the Whole at any time during a meeting. Decisions made at Committee of the Whole need to be ratified at either a Regular or Special Council meeting.
All Committee of the Whole meetings are open to the public, and the video is live streamed and archived online.
Closed Meetings
Portions of meetings may be closed to the public when sensitive or confidential Municipal business is being considered. Council is authorized to close meetings only under the circumstances set out in section 90 of the Community Charter.
Read a list of reasons Council may hold a closed meeting
Before holding a closed meeting, Council must:
1) provide notice of a closed meeting
2) state by resolution adopted in an open meeting that a closed meeting will be held and state the basis under the applicable section on which the meeting or part is to be closed to the public.
The Community Charter allows Council to hold a closed meeting without providing notice (to deal with a time sensitive or critical item), only if it receives a unanimous approval of all members of Council.
Last Updated on 2022-04-07 at 9:54 AM