Cove Bay Water System Local Advisory Committee
Purpose of the Committee
The Cove Bay Water System Local Advisory Committee has advisory powers to Council regarding water system issues, and also reviews the operating and capital budgets for the utility.
Member Commitment:
The committee meets annually on a weekday evening. Members are expected to prepare for meeting discussion by reading the agenda package material in advance.
Committee Members
- Murray Skeels, Chair
- Ron Cliff, Vice Chair
- Chris Reinhardt
- Tanya Ross
- Alison Morse, Council Liaison
Reference Documents
Grafton Lake Watershed Study 2002-2003
Video Recordings
Reference Material
EC-CB_Conceptual Design Report for Water System Improvements_DRAFT
Link to BIM Utilities Reference Materials Webpage
To contact the Cove Bay Water System LAC please email:
Subscribe to receive updates about the Cove Bay Water System.
Cove Bay Water Treatment Plant
In 1997 Bowen Island Municipality identified the need to implement improved water treatment on the Grafton Lake water supply servicing Cove Bay Water District. A preliminary water treatment plant study was completed in 2003 which concluded that additional water quality monitoring information was required in order to select the appropriate treatment technology necessary to achieve the 4-3-2-1-0 water treatment requirements stipulated by the Vancouver Coastal Health Authority.
The Cove Bay Water System Long Range Plan Update was created in 2009, and in July 2010 and July 2011 the water monitoring program was completed. The Cove Bay Water Conservation Plan was created in 2011 to develop and implement a strategy to ensure the water system met the demand exerted by the expected growth of the service area while minimizing the impact on and ensuring the long term health of the supporting ecosystems. In January 2012 the Water Treatment Plant Affordability Study was issued in draft form which recommended the following:
1. Construction of a dissolved air flotation plant complete with chlorination and UV disinfection.
2. Selection of a preferred site based on two potential locations.
3. Implementation of a secondary treatment system to reduce the volume of sludge water discharged to the sanitary system.
4. Development of a financial plan to pay for the cost of a $7.2million Capital Expenditure (2011 dollars).
Between 2012 and 2014 the community gathered information and conducted internal reviews of the two potential sites for the treatment plant leading to a Council Resolution #14-254 which identifies the “Library Lot” as the preferred location for construction of the plant, located on the north side of Grafton Road across from Artisan Lane. Council has indicated a willingness to consider an alternate location should one be made available.
In January 2015 Opus Dayton Knight Consultants Ltd. provided a Cove Bay Water Treatment Plant Implementation Plan as per the Vancouver Coastal Health Condition Letter dated June 6, 2014.
Please see the Final 2015 Cove Bay Water Local Service Area Budget here, as well as a list of frequently asked questions on the Cove Bay Water Treatment Plant here.
For up to date information on the Cove Bay Water Treatment Plant and Alternative Approval Process (AAP), please go to this link.
Last Updated on 2022-03-23 at 4:06 PM