FireSmart Program Rebates
Get involved in the FireSmart program and you could be eligible for rebates of up to $500 per property.
Here's how:
Step 1: Schedule a free home assessment using this online form.
Step 2: Complete the activities recommended in the assessment (for example: landscaping, removal of combustible debris, pruning trees, etc.)
Step 3: Apply for your rebate.
About the rebates:
You must have a home assessment done by one of our qualified local FireSmart representatives. We'll reimburse you 50% of the costs for work completed on your property as recommended in your FireSmart assessment, up to $500 per property.
What is FireSmart?
FireSmart is an initiative to help property owners understand the ways in which wildfire might threaten structures and property located in, and close to, forested and wildland areas, and the steps individuals and communities can take to reduce the susceptibility of buildings and property to fire.
Protecting your home from wildfire starts with simple actions. Whether you are doing regular yard maintenance or making large scale changes during renovations or landscaping, you can make choices that will help protect your home from wildfire.
Wildfires become particularly devastating when they encroach on human settlements and critical infrastructure. When this occurs, they are considered Wildland Urban Interface (WUI) fires and can be extremely destructive. Many residential dwellings on Bowen Island are surrounded by dense forest and low-lying brush, increasing the vulnerability to WUI fire spread.
FireSmart Construction
In this video, Squamish resident Greg Straiten talks about how taking a FireSmart approach to construction ended up saving his home.
Greg Straiten FireSmart Testimonial from FireSmartBC on Vimeo.
FireSmart 101
FireSmart Canada has developed a FREE one-hour course for those who are getting started with FireSmart and want to learn more. FireSmart 101
- provides an introduction to FireSmart and its principles
- helps participants understand the need to protect homes and properties from wildfire
- defines the wildland urban interface
- outlines the seven FireSmart disciplines
- explains the FireSmart the home ignition zone.
FireSmart on Bowen Island - Brochure
Bowen Island Municipality has produced an island-specific brochure on FireSmart activities in our coastal forest environment. You can download a PDF of the brochure or pick one up at Municipal Hall.
Bowen Island FireSmart Brochure
FireSmart on Bowen Island - Free Home Assessments and Rebates
2022 FireSmart Home Assessments and Rebates
The FireSmart Home Assessment program is funded through a grant from the Union of BC Municipalities. Bowen Island Fire Rescue will continue offering free FireSmart home assessments and the rebate program in 2022. Check back in summer 2022 for more details!
Additional Resources
Video: FireSmart Presentation with Bruce Blackwell, May 27, 2020
Video: FireSmart Workshop with Bruce Blackwell, April 11, 2019
Bowen Island FireSmart Brochure
FireSmart Begins at Home Manual
FireSmart Guide to Landscaping
Last Updated on 2022-04-05 at 12:25 PM