A Procedure Bylaw is a is a regulatory bylaw required by the Community Charter to establish general procedures to be followed by Council and Council Committees in conducting their business.
The current Council Procedure Bylaw is out of date and requires updating to reflect current meeting practice. Council received a report and draft bylaw at its November 23rd Regular Council meeting with proposed changes to its Council Procedure Bylaw.
The Community Charter requires a local government to provide notice of the proposed changes in general terms.
The proposed changes include:
- New and revised definitions.
- New sections to address:
- 1) Livestreaming of all open Council and Committee meetings; and
- 2) Consent Agenda Items.
- Revised Council Agenda publication schedule.
- Revised procedure for holding electronic meetings.
- Update to Delegations section.
- New and expanded procedures for handling motions and resolutions.
- Update to Committee and Commissions procedure.
- General minor revisions to update current legislation, formatting, and grammatical modifications.
Council will be considering Bylaw No.529, 2020 at its December 14th Regular Council meeting for consideration of readings.
If you have any questions or comments relating to the proposed changes, please submit them in writing by Monday, December 7th or speak during Public Comments at the Council meeting.
Questions? Please contact:
Hope Dallas
Corporate Officer
Bowen Island Municipality
981 Artisan Lane
Bowen Island, BC V0N 1G2
Email: hdallas@bimbc.ca