This is a public notice under Section 26 of the Community Charter that Bowen Island Municipality intends to dispose of lands that are not being made available to the public for acquisition.
Lot B is owned by the Municipality. It’s a property north of Bowen Island Trunk Road and east of 1011 Miller Road. The legal description is PID: 026-484-501, LOT B DISTRICT LOT 490 GROUP 1 NEW WESTMINSTER DISTRICT PLAN BCP20428 (“Lot B”).
The Municipality intends to exchange a portion of land from Lot B (shown in blue hatch) for an equivalent portion of land from 1011 Miller Road (shown in blue shading), to be dedicated as highway for the purposes of constructing the Multi-Use Path next to Bowen Island Trunk Road.
You can request to inspect a copy of the Land Exchange Agreement at Municipal Hall, 981 Artisan Lane, Bowen Island, during our hours of operation of Monday to Friday, 8:30 AM to 4:30 PM (closed on statutory holidays).
Questions? Please contact Sophie Idsinga, Deputy Corporate Officer at 604-947-4255 ext 246 or