It’s easy to make payments through your financial institution if you want to pay online or by telephone banking.
Tax bill:
Search “Bowen” under payee.
Add Bowen Island Municipality - Property Tax as a payee. Use your roll number as the account number.
Water/sewer bill:
Search “Bowen” under payee.
Add Bowen Island Municipality - Utilities as a payee. Use the last four digits of your account number on your water bill.
Once you’re set up, just pay as you would any other bill.
Interac E-transfer
Property tax and utility accounts should not be paid using Interac E-Transfer, as this is not a secure method of transmission. Sending funds through email is vulnerable to security threats, and fraudulent redirection of funds can occur. Bowen Island Municipality will not accept submission of an E-transfer receipt as proof of payment.
Additionally, sending funds through E-Transfer can result in delays in proper application of funds to your account, as it is often difficult to know which account to apply the payment to.
Read more about ways you can pay.