Westside Water Systems
Community Information Meetings
Bluewater Park
Tuesday, July 12, 2022
7:00 pm - 8:00 pm
Meeting ID: 869 6799 3791
Passcode: 772267
(Link to Agenda Package)
King Edward Bay
Wednesday, July 13, 2022
7:00 pm - 8:00 pm
Meeting ID: 868 6698 9983
Passcode: 205160
(Link to Agenda Package)
Bowen Bay
Thursday, July 14, 2022
7:00 pm - 8:00 pm
Meeting ID: 881 4996 2833
Passcode: 570912
(Link to the Agenda Package)
BIM will be holding online Community Information Meetings for each of the three westside water districts. Each information meeting will be followed by a short Local Advisory Committee meeting.
The purpose of the Community Information Meetings is to:
- Provide an update on water quality and infrastructure
- Provide information on the harmonization of westside water systems rate structures in alignment with Council’s strategic plan.
Residents are invited to participate in the public discussion and to ask questions throughout the Community Information Meeting.
Each public information meeting will be followed directly by a Water System Local Advisory Committee (LAC) meeting. Residents are welcome to stay on and attend (or watch via YouTube). LAC meetings provide two opportunities for public input: right at the beginning, and during question period at the end of the meeting.
Questions? Please contact Annette Frischmann, Utilities Coordinator, by email afrischmann@bimbc.ca or 604-947-4255 ext 232.