Parks & Environment
In collaboration with the community, environmentally focused action groups, the Parks Trails and Greenways Advisory Committee, and Mayor and Council our mandate is to maintain and enhance our natural and built environments focusing on safety, cleanliness and accessibility to Bowen Island public lands and community amenities.
Service Profile
Bowen Island Municipality branched out to include a Parks and Environment department in 2015. Since this expansion the Manager of Parks and Environment has developed a departmental network that allows for our mandate to be realized.
Snug Cove Improvements
- Horticultural enhancement and upkeep on wharfs and throughout Snug Cove
- General landscaping maintenance of lawns and fields
- Aesthetic, and minor structural and safety improvements to Snug Cove Wharfs, public walkways and staircases, and Library and Caring Circle/Tourist Information buildings
- Maintains general cleanliness throughout Snug Cove and on other public land
- Reviews development application for environmental compliance including Riparian Area Regulation
- Maps invasive species, develops management strategies and conducts removal of target species
- Carries out climate action initiatives
- Attends environmental forums and delivers ecological-based presentations to scientific, community and stakeholder groups
- Takes part in community clean-ups and environmentally focused initiatives
Parks and Trails
- Consistent monitoring and maintenance of municipal parks and trails to maintain public safety and accessibility
- Identifies gaps in trail networks and works to improve connectivity
- Conducts park and trail inventories and manages mapping and asset data bases
- Consistent monitoring of beaches and toilet facilities for cleanliness
- Removal of abandoned self-propelled water craft and clean up other debris
- Protection of environmentally sensitive areas e.g. fencing around vital fish habitat
- Improve access to the sea through vegetation management
- Remediate erosion issues at land/sea interface
- Install relevant environmental signage
The Parks & Environment Team
Manager of Parks and Environment: Reports directly to the CAO and oversees the operational staff members.
Parks General Operations & Snug Cove Maintenance Lead: Reports to the Manager of Parks and Environment. Performs general operations and maintenance of municipal parks, trails and beaches. Maintains cleanliness, safety and aesthetics of public spaces in Snug Cove.
Part-time Environmental Technician: Reports to the Manager of Parks and Environment. Collects data and carries out mapping and asset management projects. Performs parks and environment related administrative duties and general maintenance of parks, trails, beaches and public spaces in Snug Cove.
Seasonal Parks Crew (2): Reports to the Parks General Operations and Snug Cove Maintenance Lead. Performs general maintenance of parks, trails, beaches and public spaces in Snug Cove.
Highlights from 2016 Island Plan
Park Plan development
Improved trail connectivity with new trail sections added to the trail network and consulted with the community about updating the parks plan at summer pop up booths.
Mannion Bay Management Plan Implementation
- Continued working with the Province to obtain a Licence of Occupation
- Developed and adopted a Use of Beaches and Water Areas Bylaw
- Conducted an assessment of potential pollution sources
Protecting the Shoreline
- Joined a Green Shores working group and conducted planning for a Green Shores community-wide workshop
- Preliminarily assessed Tunstall Bay Beach for erosion and vulnerability to sea level rise
- Supported the community initiative to assess forage fish habitat
Enabling and Supporting Small Community-Driven Initiatives
- Veterans field creation
- Preliminary work to establish a Bowen Bike Park and a Westside Playscape
- Supported the Garden Gateway initiative
- Awarded innovation grants for small-scale beautification projects
Developing a Climate Action Program
- Renewed membership in the Community Energy Association
- Developed a Community Energy and Emissions Plan
- Hosted community climate conversations
- Continued to explore the feasibility of an on-island composting facility
- Adopted a water conservation strategy
Last Updated on 2017-11-21 at 2:55 PM