Public Hearings
Public Hearings are held as needed to provide residents with an opportunity to express their views and opinions on rezoning matters and proposed changes to the Official Community Plan.
In accordance with the Local Government Act, a Public Hearing must be held after Council has given first reading to a Zoning or Official Community Plan Bylaw, and before Council can give third reading to the same bylaw.
View older Public Hearing agendas
View older Public Hearing minutes
Public Notices
Public Hearings are advertised in the Bowen Island Undercurrent for two consecutive weeks and online in accordance with Section 466 of the Local Government Act. Notices of zoning amendment applications may also be delivered to owners and occupants of surrounding properties, and applicants must post notice of the public hearing on the property in question.
Participating in the Public Hearing Process
Public Hearings are open to all members of the public. If you believe that you are affected by a proposed land use application, you may make a presentation at, or submit written comments prior to, a scheduled Public Hearing.
Council will continue to meet virtually by Zoom until Step 4 of BC's Restart Plan, anticipated in September 2021. All meetings are open to the public, who can participate by joining the Zoom meeting or watching live on YouTube.
Attending Public Hearings on Zoom
A Public Hearing is held for the purpose of Council receiving comments from the public either verbally or in writing. At the Public Hearing, any person who believes that their interest in property is affected by a proposed bylaw shall be given an opportunity to be heard.
Instructions on how to attend a Public Hearing by Zoom are provided on the agenda cover sheet. Please select the Public Hearing you would like to attend in the list above and view the agenda for instructions.
Written Submissions
Submit written comments to Council:
- email to
- mail to Mayor and Council, c/o Corporate Officer, 981 Artisan Lane, Bowen Island BC, V0N 1G2
Please note
All written submissions must be received before the Public Hearing and contain the writer’s name and address which will become a part of the public record, inlcuding online. Please see the agenda cover sheet for the deadline to submit written submissions.
Any written submissions received after the close of the Public Hearing will be circulated to staff for information purposes only. Council cannot accept any submissions following the close of the Public Hearing.
Speaking at a Public Hearing
If you would like to speak at a Public Hearing on Zoom, there are two ways you can do this:
Join the Zoom meeting:
- Pre-register your name on the Speakers List, email the Corporate Officer BEFORE the start of the Public Hearing at
- In your email, please include the following:
Subject line “Public Hearing – Verbal Submission”
Name (first and last), telephone number and address. - Please use the link, Meeting ID and Password on the agenda cover sheet.
Join through Phone Conferencing:
- Pre-register your name on the Speakers List, email the Corporate Officer BEFORE the start of the Public Hearing at
- In your email, please include the following:
Subject line “Public Hearing – Verbal Submission”
Name (first and last), telephone number and address. - Phone the number provided on the agenda cover sheet and follow the prompts provided.
Speakers will be called in order from the Speakers List compiled by the Corporate Officer. Begin your comments by stating your name and address. Your comments must be specifically related to the subject of the bylaw and be directed to the Chair (the Mayor). There is no opportunity at the Public Hearing to debate points of view expressed by other speakers at the hearing.
The main function of a Public Hearing is to listen to your views. Council will not debate the merits of the proposed bylaw nor enter into dialogue with the public at the Hearing.
No person who deems their interest in property will be affected by the bylaw will be discouraged, intimidated or otherwise prevented from making his or her views known. Therefore, please refrain from applause or other expressions of emotion whether you favour or oppose any particular application or argument. Inappropriate language, outbursts or criticisms aimed at individuals or groups will not be condoned.
After the Public Hearing is Closed
After all representations have been heard, Council may refer the bylaw(s) without debate to a meeting of Council. Council members are not permitted to receive further submissions or hear either a proponent or opponent to an application once the Public Hearing has been concluded.
When the Bylaw is Considered by Council
After the Public Hearing is closed, the bylaw(s) goes forward to Council for consideration. Council may either:
- adopt or defeat the bylaw(s);
- alter, then adopt, the bylaw(s) provided that the alteration does not:
- alter the use,
- increase the density, or
- without the owner's consent, decrease the density of any area, from that originally specified in the bylaw.
If you have questions about the Public Hearing process, please contact the Corporate Officer.
Last Updated on 2021-08-25 at 7:26 AM